for the client
The best steel. The best service. That’s what characterizes Maasstaal, trader in steel, RVS, bare steel and aluminum. John Keintjens, Managing Director: “No, isn’t a part of our vocabulary. Together with our customers, we fill find the best solution.”
With its 40 employees, Maasstaal serves about 2.000 customers. Everyday, ten trucks filled with steel products drive from Maastricht to Eindhoven, Antwerp and Cologne. Maasstaal has no reason to complain.The company is doing well. The recovering economy plays a role in this, but the customer service is the determining factor. “We unburden them”, says Kleintjens. A method the company controles into the last detail. Logical, according to the CEO. “As a small company, unburdening our customers is our right to exist. And it is deeply ingrained in everyone that works here.” Together with Co-Director Cornė Olischläger, Keintjes guards this work ethic. That is why they maintain the growth of Maasstaal at a steady pace.
Read all about our staff members’ experiences!
Kleintjens’ business partners can count on their orders being delivered to their destination within 24 hours. And that they get what they asked for. That’s always the higher quality steel from Denmark of England. At the agreed costs and conditions. No extra costs, that’s not how we operate.”
The heart of the company is formed by three halls. That’s where they keep the steel products in various lengths and widths. This is where the staff members prepare the orders the 10-person sales team have arranged. The sawmill ensures that the steel gets the requested length. Order pickers prepare the orders. Not manually, but with huge, special, cranes. After regular office hours a team comes in to load the trucks.
Safety is a must
Safety first is the credo. John Kleintjens, who loves to talk to the staff members and walks around in the halls a few times a day, keeps a close eye on everyone’s safety. “Be careful, you have to last a lifetime!” he calls out regularly. That’s why every new employee starts off his career at Maasstaal with a course in ‘hoisting safely’.
As an employer Maasstaal cares about its staff members. Every record, even the small ones, are celebrated exuberantly. “The ambiance at Klipperweg (the address of the company) is open and free”, says Kleintjens. “We appreciate our staff. You can tell by the low turnover of employees.”
Do what you’re good at
What does the future have in mind for Maasstaal? An expansion of the working area and substantial investments in depth. The company has already started these developments. Streamlining and improving the workflow through automation is pretty much complete. Is doesn’t change their way of working. “We’re just doing more of the same, but with an even better service and organisation. Hence our motto: Do what you’re good at.”
The best steel. The best service. That’s what characterizes Maasstaal, even five years from now.
customers in The Netherlands, Germany and Belgium
staff members
production halls: for order picking and cutting to size
trucks on the road on a daily basis