Tata Steel Tubes:
Investing in people and quality
Delivering an ever higher quality and increasing its market share. That’s the strategy and the ambition of Tata Steel Tubes. Site manager Ruud Eywoudt also invests. In automation, in improving production lines and in the people of Tata Steel Tubes.
Producing welded pipes, round, square or rectangular, is Tata Steel Tubes Maastricht’s specialization. It’s a part of Tata Steel – one of the largest steel groups in Europe. The company processes, produces and distributes high-quality steel that makes life easier for customers throughout Europe.
The construction and horticulture sector work with pipes by Tata Steel Tubes Maastricht. Other partners are manufacturers of transport roller conveyors, boilers and heaters, bulldozers, cranes and the automotive-industry.
Read all about our staff members’ experiences!
The production process starts with coils being shipped to the Beatrixhaven. After cutting the coils to size and producing the pipes at the desired size, they’re ready to be transported again. Depending on the client, the steel products have lengths between four and eighteen meters at this point. Only forty percent of the stock consists of generic stock. The rest of it is order-related or customer specific.
In total Tata Steel Tubes Maastricht produces more than 2.000 different kinds of products. Eywoudt: “Our process is smart and efficient. All our customers receive custom work. This requires craftsmanship because it’s highly precision work. That’s what sets us apart from the rest more and more.”
Proud of being certified for delivering quality
Eywoudt is proud of their so called IATF 16949 certification. The automotive industry demands its customers to have one. The certificate proves Tata Steel Tubes produces and delivers according to specific high quality standards. In other words: it has a quality management system.
Tata Steel Tubes is preparing itself for the future by automating the stockroom, among other things. This way, Eywoudt wants to be able to produce more, but keep the same amount of employees he has now.
Another ambition is to process the newest kind of steel on the market, the high-strength steel (HSS), with the current machinery. Therefore, the eighty meters of production lines are undergoing revision. In phases, by improving and replacing different parts of the line one by one. Also, being able to rebuild the production line faster and thus responding to customers’ wishes faster, should result in more profit.
It’s done safely or not done at all
Tata Steel Tubes carries the slogan: “Safety, Quality en Result” with one team. This slogan is expressed in cherishing all personnel with safety and health at first place. Eywoudt thinks that all employees should be healthy and enjoy coming to work. A cafetaria of their own fitts this opinion. All attention goes to healthy and fresh made food. Furthermore does the company offer in house training through different levels of secondary vocational education. Young and old get opportunities , expresses Eywoudt.
All personnel at Tata Steel Tubes receives a lot of latitude and responsibility. Everyone employed has to have a entrepreneurial mentality. The company has faith in the intentions of their own people, says the Site Manager. “ When it comes to that, we are like a family business. We always respect the person and its environment, in which he/she lives.” Eywoudt points out that Tata Steel Tubes Maastricht also wants to be a good neighbour en actively contributes to durability.
Cherishing their personnel suits Tata Steel Tubes well. Sick leave is only at two percent.
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staff members
trucks with finished products leave the site every week